
About this website an the author

A little bit about myself:

I was born and raised in Landshut, Bavaria (Germany) and have been enthusiastic about drawing since I wa a small child. During my time on the business school (secondary school), I decided to attend a school for art / graphic design in Straubing, Bavaria. At this time I wanted to work later in the area of graphic design or industrial design and intendet to study one of this two subjects. Ultimately I decided - due to some considerations - to study mechanical engineering. Looking back I have to state - although some people disagree :-) - that this was the right decision. Nevertheless, I draw and paint with the same enthusiasm as ever.

I allready had a own website since 1998. After some time I lost the interest in webdesigning and didn't do anything on the website for years. Incidental I started to work on the website again in 2006. I don't konw why but I get so enthusiastic about web designing that I could not stop working on the website. I began to work on a new web project: - the german version of this website. The idea was to make a website which helps people to learn to draw and to paint. At the present point of time I started to translate the german website into english.

Here we go....

About this Website

This website is about how to draw and paint. You will learn to use pencil and brush and how to drawn and paint your own pictures.

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