
Step-by-step instruction - How to draw the Paperwarrior

At the two lower arms I would like to draw the glas of icetea, the lemons and the ice cubes. You have to draw simply everything from the template (the beverage carton). And take allways care of the folding and the curvature of the surface of the arm. Well, you see this is not the easiest but also not the hardest drawing exercise.

In the picture below you can see the complete drawing and my template (the beverage caton). The left arm of origami gorilla is already finished.

drawing the arm of the gorilla
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Drawing and template

At the somewhat confusing area at the elbow of the gorilla you will have to be a little bit creative. Try to draw the folding of the beverage as good or as realistic as possible. I have drawn exactly at this point the opening of the glass what makes the whole thing is not easier to draw. However the origami folding is so complicated at this point that it is actually not recognizable whether the drawing is right or wrong ;-). The overall impression counts.

To draw the rest of the glass with ice cubes and lemon I set up a planing. Even in advance I have been thinking about how much space the glass should occupy on the gorilla. The border of the glass I have drawn very lightly. A little bit of planning is very important when you are drawing with a pencil or crayon because howler can hardly be mend - even not with the eraser, as always some of the dawing will remain and the eraser will damage the drawing paper

drawing the ice tea glass with crayons
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Presketching of the icetea glass and the lemon on the gorilla arm

When drawing of the glass you should approach at best cautiously. Draw step-by-step more structures and details with the crayons. If you want to draw realistically you have also learn to have a little patience (or maybe a lot :-D ). So don't start drawing too fast.

I draw the bright yellow areas and a dark red basic hue. With a dark brown pencil I draw the dark structures. The darker structures will help me to orientate. The ice cube in the glass make it not easy for us.

drawing the ice tea glass with crayons
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Approach cautiously when you are drawing difficult areas like this

You should go on step by step. The yellow areas can already be drawn firmly. The remaining white areas are filled with a ordinary red hue.

drawing the ice tea glass with crayons
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Drawing the structures of the ice cubes step-by-step

The areas around the yellow spots are now filled with an orange hue which runs into red. Now the color can be drawn solid with the crayons. The dark structurs can be strengthened again to get a better contrast. Therefore you can use a black or brown crayon. It i mostly easier to draw with a dark colour over a drawing.

drawing the ice tea glass with crayons
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Almost completely drawn glass on the arm of origami figure

Step-by-step instruction - How to draw the Paperwarrior

One thing is missing now at the drawing of the glass: the light reflections.

The light reflections must be either planned from the beginning and accordingly the bright areas have to stay free of colour - however this is very difficult. Or the light reflections are made afterwards. This can be done with a hard eraser pen. Simply remove the colour at the spot where a light reflexion should be placed and than draw over it with a white crayon. If you want to have the reflexion even brighter you can enhance the effect with a brush and white paint.

I have drawn the light reflexion I at the top of the glass und up to the edge of the tea in the glass. I made a further reflection along the glass in vertical direction.

drawing the ice tea glass with crayons
Drawing the Paperwarrior - The arm of the Paperwarrior with the worked out structures

The lemon still misses. You can draw it with a yellow and a bright orange crayon. The structures can be made with an orange and brown crayon. If necessary you can free the white areas of colour residues with the eraser pen.

finished drawing of the arm
Drawing the Paperwarrior - Arm of origami gorillas with lemon

At last a light reflection is made with the eraser pen on top of the gorilla arm. This reflexion let the surface appear slick.

Then the drawing is finished. I hope you liked the tutorial and it will help you learning to draw with crayons.

finished drawing
Drawing the Paperwarrior - The finished drawing

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This website is about how to draw and paint. You will learn to use pencil and brush and how to drawn and paint your own pictures.

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